Photo of the month – March 2003 [German version]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Bottling jars:

A truck-trailer combination on its normal shuttle route, i.e. the same route with the same load, day-in, day-out. In this case, newly produced bottling jars from the manufacturer to the delivery warehouse around 10 km away. The vehicle in question is a swap body truck combination with a tarpaulin body. The load is stacked on pallettes and always fills the entire loading space. So far, so good.

But on this occasion, the driver had forgotten to secure the swapbody. Thus it was balanced, loose, on the chassis. After a few hundred meters, the ineviatble happened: On turning left, the entire swapbody fell off the chassis.

But there was one thing to be thankful for: Nobody was injured, the only damage was to property.

Additional images:

Figure 3

Figure 4

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